It may be the opener of walleye on Red Lake, but it is definitely not ice out . Even though our bay is completely free of ice, there is still plenty on the main lake. From what I can tell by boating out to the end of our narrows, the ice melting has made good progress in the last 2 days. Unfortunately, it still has a way to go. There is definite blackening and some candling, but it is still quite thick. I know everyone is asking the same question..."when do you think it will go out?" So, to make you happy, I am going on record and will guess the ice will be off Thursday. Keep in mind I have no scientific reasoning or expertise in such matters, I am just guessing. All I know for sure is that it seems to be melting slower than past years. Come on SUN and WIND!!!
There were some bright spot to today's opener, however. Jeremiah got to chase down his first bubbles and he also put on his jacket by himself.
We also had our first guests of the season arrive today. We are officially open for business. Which means I am behind schedule! Lots of things still need to get done before the big groups arrive. Nice to see our friends again, though. They even managed to get out in the boat for a while and catch a few pike.
The real fish winner of the day belongs to our friend Sam and his son Kyle. They boated two really nice pike at the back of our little creek. Nice work boys!!
Kyle and Dad (Sam) with two nice pike. 37 inches and 38.5 inches. |
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