Ken Thogenson is now our new leader in the largest walleye category. He caught a 27 3/4" walleye.
Unfortunately he did not get a picture of it. He wanted to release it as soon as possible to ensure it
would not be harmed. Great job Ken!!
Fishing was a bit slower today overall do to the fact that we had clear blue skies and very
little wind. We still saw some nice stringers of walleye and some more big pike, though.
(still waiting on some pictures)
Tim Green with a 33" laker
The picture above is Tim's final shot at being our Lake Trout
champ for 2013. He caught this one on his way to Red Lake before heading home. We love the effort. In his words...
"It was a great 'dessert' to the week. Vic opened the week with a trout before we arrived at camp and I closed with one on the way out. Perfect bookends to the week."
Great job Tim. We are already looking forward to seeing
you again next summer. Thanks for another great week. |