HOLY SMOKES have we been busy! It is amazing how quickly time flies by.
The end of camp ended up keeping us on our toes with closing down camp and running bear hunts. Our bear hunters had Jim running all over and working hard.....actually it was the big bears that had us all over the place. They are big for a reason.....the big ones like to come in during non-shootable hours! We did end up with 7 of 8 hunters shooting a bear. Jim will be able to blog on this soon.
I almost forgot we also had a lot of Northern Lights the last week of guests at camp. I believe we had 4 nights with lights!!!!! It was awesome!
In the mean time we just wanted to let everyone know we arrived home safely and are in a whirlwind here back in Michigan with so much to do right now. Getting back to the states is always exciting in an insanely busy kind of way! It is always so nice to see friends and family again. Getting unpacked and situated with the kids/dog/house/schedules etc is the current challenge, on top of other things.
Needless to say we are available by phone again and have better internet so should be able to communicate with everyone much easier.
I am hoping to update the website today with next years prices (we haven't raised rates in 3 years but will be slightly raising them this year), and any other changes that need to be done.
I am not much of a blogger as Jim usually does this, but just wanted to let everyone know we were sad to leave camp but are happy to be home again.
Thank you all for such an amazing year at camp. Lots of great fishing, but even better company. We truly appreciate all of our guests and had a blast having you all at camp. Loved all the extra time we got to spend with everyone this year hanging out and visiting while eating all the fun fish recipes we created. (I am actually hoping to put together a Black Bear Lodge Fish recipe book this winter. We created a few new ones while at camp this summer. All summer we hear about so many other ways people prepare fish, so I thought it would be cool to have them all in one place for everyone to enjoy. If you want to send us your favorite way to prepare fish (or a few different ways) we would love it. Just title the Email FISH RECIPE so I know to keep it in a separate folder!!)
I guess I better get back to unpacking and organizing the house. I will keep on Jim to get him to do a blog on the end of season soon.