We have finally received some very over-due rain! It has not been a lot of rain but it has been steadily drizzling for 2 days and more importantly no lightning. The fire nearest our camp has been put out, but the big one located in the Woodland Caribou Park is still going strong. Fortunately for us the winds have been in our favor, so the fire and the smoke are moving away from camp.
The bad news (for this weekend anyway) is that the rain is turning over to snow! Yep, a week ago we were sweating with 86 degree temps and tomorrow's high will struggle to get above freezing. Lows will be in the 20's. Not the best conditions for unloading 5 pallets of groceries, which are to be delivered tomorrow morning. But that's the way it goes sometimes, welcome to camp life.
I have held off on getting water to the fish house and shower house until the weather returns to more spring like conditions. I do not want to deal with any broken water lines. As it is, I will have to be diligent in running water throughout the night in the 2 buildings that have water, so that none of the pipes freeze up.
Luckily there is always some inside jobs that need to be done. Jillian is 90 percent done in the main lodge, we have started some cabin cleaning, and I got some repairs done to the camp road. After the groceries get unloaded, I will be spending a lot of time in the motor room. Only 29 more motors to go.
The kids enjoy rainy days the most. They play in the mud puddles, catch rain falling from the roof and overhangs, and they get to watch movies and play games in the warm cabin.
Josie drying off after coming in from playing in the rain. |
Jeremiah did not want to come in... he was having way to much fun in the puddles. |
Game on! |
"watch this Dad!!" |