In case some of you were wondering what that orange plastic cup is that sits in the main lodge,
it is the official trophy of the World Walleye Championship. Jim Castner and Jim Kalina have been
friends since childhood and have been LONG time fishing buddies here at Black Bear Lodge. (Jim
Kalina is actually our longest returning guest with 46 years worth of trips!) Every year they have a
contest to see who catches the most walleyes over 18 inches. The winner gets to put his name on the
cup and has bragging rights for a year. This year Jim Kalina won. The good news is that the winner
will always be Jim. They will be returning this August for yet another trip. We always enjoy having
you boys up here...even after you gave my son a new nickname "beast". FYI, he is not fat he is
big boned :)
2013 WWC winner - Jim Kalina |